All of the Krishna comic books have a brief summary, so you can click on the title to read the summary and see if it is a comic book you might want to read!
- Krishna: Retold From The Bhagawat Puran
- Krishna and Rukmini: A Love That Will Not Be Denied
- Krishna and Narakasura: Confidence Versus Arrogance
- Krishna and the False Vasudeva: Pride Meets Its Doom
- The Parijata Tree, and Other Tales Of Krishna
- The Syamantaka Gem: The Sun-God's Precious Ornament
- Sudama: The Power of True Friendship
- Tales of Balarama: Valiant Brother Of Krishna
- Pradyumna: Son of Krishna
- Prabhavati: The Asura Princess
- Bhanumati: Granddaughter of Krishna
- Aniruddha: Beloved Grandson Of Krishna
- Jagannatha of Puri: Dreamt by a King, Sculpted by the Gods